Expert Insights

10 Tips for a Successful ERP Transformation

Transformation programmes involving business-critical ERP systems can be expensive, lengthy and full of challenges. However, with careful planning and considered stewardship they can run smoothly, unlocking game-changing benefits for your organisation. So, what do you need to consider? ERP transformation expert Jeremy Payne shares his thoughts. After years marked by a global pandemic, economic turmoil…

Should IT be leading this?

In some organisations IT projects have a habit of going over schedule, over budget and falling short of what the organisation actually needs. That, says business transformation expert Anthony Ward, is because they’re more than IT projects – they’re often major change programmes. And if that’s the case, should IT really be leading them?  There’s…

6 tech considerations before you carve out (part 1 – carve out / disposal)

Carve-outs can be a catalyst for significant growth and shareholder value, but their complexity – particularly when it comes to technology – can lead to unforeseen problems and costs. Carve-out consultant and former CIO Pierre Montersino explains the crucial tech issues every CEO needs to consider before divesting part of their business. By carving out…

Pay rises in a post Covid world

Requests for pay rises are on the increase, and whether you are the manager/remco member or employee, the following information may prove useful. I am pretty certain that there have been far fewer conversations about pay rises over the past year than would usually take place. However, as offices start to re-open and employees contemplate…

How doing digital right can increase your margins

With so many companies still not taking full advantage of the digital revolution, interim executive John Lindup argues that data and technological integration are key to strengthening existing relationships, increasing margins and future-proofing your business.

More than 8 in 10 businesses underwent transformational change in 2017

A global survey by interim management specialist IXPA has found that 85% of businesses underwent transformational change in 2017. The study looked at the key challenges facing organisations around the world over the past 12 months and asked leaders how they were tackling them.

IT transformation is the key to great service

A disconnect between the IT function and the rest of the business is harming many organisations’ ability to connect with their customers, argues Graham van Terheyden, and it’s time to put it right. The transformation expert explains how business leaders can realise the potential of their IT function – and perform better.

Quality data starts with good governance

High-quality, well-managed data is crucial to give you a more sophisticated understanding of your customers and to drive better decision making. But before you can exploit data, it’s vital that you have sound governance in place – and the responsibility for that lies with the board, not your IT department.

ERP is not MI – are you getting the right information?

With increasing pressure on CEOs to grow their businesses, accurate management information (MI) has never been so important. But as companies continue to invest heavily in transactional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to optimise their business processes, former finance director turned management consultant Paul Cullen believes many businesses are not getting the user-friendly, actionable MI they need from the huge amounts of data they have.

Going digital: a golden opportunity

We’ve all seen how digital has transformed the consumer experience. But what about in the B2B world? Henry Boyden specialises in helping organisations capitalise on the potential of digital business. He tells us how B2Bs who haven’t undertaken significant digital transformation, are in danger of leaving it too late.

Are you really listening to your customers?

Over the past decade the likes of Amazon and Apple have transformed the way we buy and use products. The key to their success has been a complete focus on the needs and experiences of their customers. So could B2B organisations learn from their B2C cousins and do more for their customers? Peter Fisher, an expert in customer focus, believes so.

Creating a business change function

In many organisations, business change programmes are managed by IT. But as Programme Manager Luke Evans argues, this can create a number of problems. He believes there’s a better way: and that’s to create a dedicated business change function.